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Should you use steel case ammo?
We do NOT recommend using steel case ammo in your firearm unless it was designed for it (think Russian Cold War firearms like the AK-47). Remember that the higher quality the firearm i [...]
Why get an Arizona CCW?
Arizona is a “shall issue” state for concealed carry permits. The permit is generally called “CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon),” but is actually “CWP (Concealed Weapon Permit)” In Arizona. [...]
Clean and lube that new gun before you shoot it!
New firearms are often shipped “dry” (no lubricant) or “wet” (lots of corrosion protectant but no lubricant). They are rarely, if ever, shipped cleaned, lubed and ready to shoot. One o [...]
Which firearm is right for me?
Though the first question you need to answer when considering the purchase of a firearm is “What are you going to use it for,” the next question will be, “Which one do you want?” When [...]
Tactical Drill Nite
Are you looking to improve your shooting skills and improve the quality of your range time? Then check out PSR’s Drill Nite, a fast-paced 1-hour training session that builds on the ski [...]
What is a SkillBuilder?
SkillBuilders are 2-hour rotating mini-classes that combine classroom teaching plus practical practice on the range for intermediate and advanced shooters. Focusing on techniques and d [...]
Mon-Sat: 10-6
Sun: 12-4
1200 W. Iron Springs Rd.
Prescott, AZ 86305
<a href=”tel://+1-928-910-3457″>(928) 910-3457</a>
Mon-Sat: 10-6
Sun: 12-4
1200 W. Iron Springs Rd.
Prescott, AZ 86305