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BACKGROUND After having thoroughly reviewed H.R. 218, the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (now public law 108-277) and the new changes to the AZPOST (Arizona Peace Officer Standard [...]
Why is my .22 not firing properly?
Many, many of our customers have had issues with their .22 semi-autos, both new and old and from reliable manufacturers and less-so manufacturers. Here are the most common issues with [...]
What to know about firearms sales and transfers
SALES AND TRANSFERS A sale is where you purchase a gun from us here in the store. A transfer is when you buy a gun from an FFL (Federal Firearms License holder) out of state and has it [...]
Private lesson or group class? Two ways to learn to shoot!
Well, that depends. If you want to learn to shoot a revolver, rifle, AR, or shotgun, you will have to take a lesson because we do not run classes for those firearms. If you would like [...]
Special days for the ladies!
On 1st and 3rd Sundays from 4 to 6pm, our range hosts the local chapters of A Girl & A Gun Women’s Shooting League (AG & AG). The Prescott Valley chapter meets every 1st Sunday [...]
What do they really want for Christmas?
Can you believe it’s that time again; why does Christmas seem to sneak up on us every year?! Let us help you with some gift ideas to make your holiday season a little easier: Ammo! A 3 [...]
Mon-Sat: 10-6
Sun: 12-4
1200 W. Iron Springs Rd.
Prescott, AZ 86305
<a href=”tel://+1-928-910-3457″>(928) 910-3457</a>
Mon-Sat: 10-6
Sun: 12-4
1200 W. Iron Springs Rd.
Prescott, AZ 86305